Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Finish Him!

   Well internet, the time has finally arrived. "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" had it's debut today, and it's awesome. If you are a avid Mortal Kombat fan, like myself. Odds are you already know this and have watched it. If you are out of the loop, well that's why you come here =).

    This is the web series based off "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth" which came out about a year ago. It was a 7 min long trailer and the internet blew up about it. The series will follow all your favorite Mortal Kombat characters and will coincide with the new game that is due out next week. The new game is a re-boot of the series, after the disaster that was "Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe". So as a fan and gamer I'm looking forward to a new start to one of my favorite fighting games as a kid.

    Below, I will post the "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth" in case you missed that, or want to watch it again. Along with that I will post episode 1 of "Mortal Kombat: Legacy". That way you can catch up and be ready for next weeks episode.

"Mortal Kombat: Rebirth"

"Mortal Kombat: Legacy"

Hope you enjoy both videos. leave a comment let me know what you thought about them. I personally am looking forward to where they are taking the series.


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