A Coming of age tale set in modern suburbia. This film follows Quinn (Steven Yaffee) a teenager who has been home schooled his whole life by his pot growing parents. When they move from the country to suburbia the problems begin to rise. As high school senior that has never actually been to a high school, and has spent most of his years caring for marijuana plants. When Crystal (Rachel Blanchard) moves in across the street with her family, he quickly falls in love. Defying his parents he signs up for school with the help of the guidance counselor. Once he gets into school, he realizes that it's a concrete jungle.
When Quinn and Crystal start becoming closer, it shakes the social structure of high school. Instead of the Jock getting the girl the nerdy homeschooler is getting her. A lot of the films jokes and plot is based off of social structure within a high school. There is a scene where the 'outcast' is explaining the 'rules' to Quinn. It's a solid scene that really breaks down the social structure and how it works.
The great thing about this film, was that it was a unconventional stoner film. Instead of every main character being a super stupid and stoned at all times. Every main character is smart and is very aware of what is going on around them. This doesn't mean the film isn't funny. "Growing Op" has laughs throughout the film no matter who you are. Some laughs you do have to look for though. I have a strange sense of humor so I found most of the film entertaining to say the least.
The acting in the film is above par, it's nothing special but it's not terrible. The actor that plays Quinn is great for the part. He plays a quirky, loser teenager to a T. Quinn's Father (Wallace Langham) does a really great job as well.
The film as a whole is not perfect. It is a fun ride though. I won't ruin anything but, the ending will catch you by surprise. Then ending really made the film for me. It made a mediocre rom-com, a real solid film. I love when films do that, makes me wanna get writing on my script.
So this movie is new on the "Streaming Market" so I suggest you add it to your queue and give it a watch. It's definitely worth it. It's not the best film you will find on Netflix, but if your in the mood for unconventional stoner/rom-com film this is a good choice.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mortal Kombat - Episode 5
Hello again internet.
I'm sorry for my lack of conviction and posts. It's been a week since I updated and a lot has happened in that week, Ill explain that in a different post. With that said, It's tuesday, and you know what that means. A New Mortal Kombat episode.
Episode 5 is what we call, um...let me find the words...Oh yeah a disappointment. This is the first episode of the series that actually lost my attention. It is the 2nd part of the Millena and Kitana story. It runs about 5 mins long. which is the shortest of the series thus far. It's mixed with animation and live action again. It's not that the animation is bad, it's just not what I signed up for.
With that said, You still have to watch it, the story gets filled in. You gotta remember, not every episode can be great. Just like on a album not all songs can be #1 hits. It's worth the watch, but only one watch.
I'm sorry for my lack of conviction and posts. It's been a week since I updated and a lot has happened in that week, Ill explain that in a different post. With that said, It's tuesday, and you know what that means. A New Mortal Kombat episode.
Episode 5 is what we call, um...let me find the words...Oh yeah a disappointment. This is the first episode of the series that actually lost my attention. It is the 2nd part of the Millena and Kitana story. It runs about 5 mins long. which is the shortest of the series thus far. It's mixed with animation and live action again. It's not that the animation is bad, it's just not what I signed up for.
With that said, You still have to watch it, the story gets filled in. You gotta remember, not every episode can be great. Just like on a album not all songs can be #1 hits. It's worth the watch, but only one watch.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mortal Kombat: Legacy - Ep. 4 - Kitana & Mileena (Part 1)
Ah, It feels so good to be back! Every Tuesday, I wake up and can not wait to watch the new episode of "Mortal Kombat Legacy". It seemed like I was alone last week, in thinking that the Johnny Cage episode was awesome. Luckily for me, this week, I think everyone will admit that this is a awesome episode.
This episode really builds up some backstory, which if you read my last review, you know I'm a sucker for. Episode 4 tells the backstory of Kitana, Millena, Shao Khan, Sindel and Baraka. Along with those five characters it tells the story of outworld and how it came about. This episode is a little different from the other ones. There is not much fighting, but the fighting that does happen is really well done.
Another difference in this episode is that it is intertwined with animated sequences. The animated sequences are really fun to watch, and also really well done. I can only assume the reason for the animated sequences are to keep everything under the budget. There is very little dialogue in this episode most of the episode in narrated. It's a nice touch, to say the least.
So as you can tell, I'm a huge fan of this project. Also, I'm a huge fan of Mortal Kombat in general. I had every intention of writing a review for the new game, but my Xbox died before I could finish it. So with that said, you should definitely watch this episode and the other ones if you haven't.
This episode really builds up some backstory, which if you read my last review, you know I'm a sucker for. Episode 4 tells the backstory of Kitana, Millena, Shao Khan, Sindel and Baraka. Along with those five characters it tells the story of outworld and how it came about. This episode is a little different from the other ones. There is not much fighting, but the fighting that does happen is really well done.
Another difference in this episode is that it is intertwined with animated sequences. The animated sequences are really fun to watch, and also really well done. I can only assume the reason for the animated sequences are to keep everything under the budget. There is very little dialogue in this episode most of the episode in narrated. It's a nice touch, to say the least.
So as you can tell, I'm a huge fan of this project. Also, I'm a huge fan of Mortal Kombat in general. I had every intention of writing a review for the new game, but my Xbox died before I could finish it. So with that said, you should definitely watch this episode and the other ones if you haven't.
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